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MPs concern about the standard of quality in care homes

Independent Age’s research found councils are not routinely taking into account CQC ratings when arranging care home visits. A Which? survey published last week revealed that one in four English care homes are rated Requires Improvement or Inadequate. Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “This telling survey is further evidence that the social care crisis is rising up the worry list of MPs of all parties and cannot be ignored. It follows the recent publication of the Competition and Markets Authority report on the care home market, which further underlined the significant funding shortfall facing the sector. “MPs are rightly concerned that the quality and choice of care homes will get worse unless immediate action is taken to tackle social care underfunding.” Independent Age is calling for the social care Green Paper to set out clear solutions for a fairer, more transparent and sustainable care system that will instill confidence in MPs across all parties, as well as older people and their families, to show that the government has fully comprehended and taken on board all the issues surrounding social care.

About the survey ComRes interviewed 119 MPs with constituencies in England online and by paper self- completion questionnaire between 14 th November and 11 th December 2017. Data was weighted to be representative of the House of Commons by party and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

Summary This survey is one of many that highlights concern about the standard of quality in care homes. The views of the MPs who took part in the survey should be taken seriously, in the hope that they will bring pressure to bear on the government about the needs of social care with the forthcoming Green Paper. The notion at long last of an inextricably linked NHS, public health and social care service appears to be gaining momentum. This can only be good for those who require services along with those who provide them. The survey also raised concern about the choice available for those requiring a care home placement. MPs are concerned that some local authorities are only offering placements in care homes rated ‘Requires Improvement or Inadequate’ the MPs believe people should be offered legal protection when only offered homes with this rating. Albert Cook BA, MA & Fellow Charted Quality Institute Managing Director Bettal Quality Consultancy

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