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10 Good reasons to get Bettal’s CQC compliant Cared4 system

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

At Bettal we talk to a lot of people each week about using our CQC compliant Cared4 System, which includes comprehensive policies and procedures. Some people already know what they want and why they want to go with our system, others are looking for more information or to understand why they might want to take out a subscription with a provider of policies and procedures.

Either way, Bettal are here to provide information, advice and support based on the decades of accumulated experience we have in the social care sector. If you are in the latter group, that is you are wondering about if you should join Bettal, this post is for you. If you are already with Bettal, thank you, this blog will hopefully remind you why you chose us.


If you don’t yet use Bettal policies and procedures perhaps you:

· Write your own.

· Gather policies from online sources.

· Are with a competitor.

· Are yet to set up and register your service.

If you write your own, you will doubtless need to spend at least a day a month keeping policies up to date and adding new ones as things change. On an average registered manager salary that will cost about £160-170 a day every month. That’s more than twice what Bettal Policies and procedures will cost you!

Gathering policies from online is risky as you don’t know the provenance of the policies, nor are you having them updated. You may find at inspection that your policies are not compliant.

Using competitors often means paying a lot more for policies and procedures which are no more compliant than those of Bettal. Our system is easy to use and because we don’t spend a fortune on marketing and gimmicks, we offer good value for money.

10 good reasons to sign up with Bettal

1. Bettal map their Policies to CQC requirements, including the recent Quality Statements. This means you can be sure your policies address each quality statement in full.

2. Our Cared4 system is simple to use for all staff, including those who don’t like technology.

3. We provide training session on the system for all users.

4. Our policies and procedures are kept up to date. We monitor changes in the social care setting and use this knowledge to update our policies and procedures in real time meaning you don’t have to!

5. Staff and managers can access Bettal policies and procedures 24/7. This means out of hours staff have access to the information they need to do their job.

6. Bettal have been writing policies and procedures for over 25 years and the quality of our product has been proven time and time again in local authority and CQC inspections: including in many services which have attained outstanding ratings.

7. Bettal will amend and update policies if there is a legitimate need to do so following an inspection.

8. Bettal phones and emails are answered by real people, not ‘bots or online chat agents; we offer the human touch.

9. If you are looking to register a service, Bettal’s Cared4 system will supply the policies, procedures and support documentation to enable you to do this with the minimum fuss.

10. We allow you to try the system free for 24 hours to see if it will work for you; try before you buy, we can’t say fairer than that.


Writing your own policies and procedures is time consuming and has the potential to be found to be noncompliant at inspection, as does sourcing your policies randomly online. Using competitor policies may make you CQC compliant, but you could be paying over the odds.

There are many good reasons for subscribing to Bettal for your policies and procedures not least among which are that we are tried and tested and written and updated by health and social care professionals. We also pride ourselves on our personal customer support, something which is not always available from some of the larger providers.

Bettal Quality Consultancy has a comprehensive and regularly updated suite of policies, procedures and risk assessments tailored to all forms of social care provision, to support busy registered managers and their teams in the provision of CQC compliant care.

If you would like to know more, browse our website or get in touch:

Telephone: 01697741411

Peter Ellis MA MSc BSc(Hons) RN


Bettal Quality Consultancy

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